Waste collection: Information in English

The residents of Säter Municipality have contributed to the efforts to ensure a sustainable societyin a number of ways. We help each other safeguard our environment, climate and living conditions!

By sorting and disposing of food waste separately, you facilitate a natural cycle. You are part of creating good conditions for your own and future generations. Our environment is valuable and you make a difference.

Be kind to the environment – we have to live in it: sort your waste!

Waste is collected and taken away by a collection vehicle with two compartments. One for food waste and one for residual waste. Combustible residual waste is anything that cannot be sorted and sent for recycling.

All households, organizations, and businesses should sort their food waste instead of mixing it with the residual waste in the normal waste bin.

The food waste is then converted into biogas and organic biofertiliser. We use biogas in our cars and other vehicles, and we use biofertiliser to fertilise crops. You do some good with every banana peel. Every kilo of food waste makes a difference. One bag of food waste generates enough fuel for a biogas car to drive 4 kilometres. Together we will do great things for the environment.

Where and how should the bin be placed?

  • Put out your waste bin no later than 05:00 AM on the collection day or the evening before.
  • The bin must be placed in clear sight on a flat and solid surface and without any obstacles that would hinder the collectors in their work.
  • The food waste bin should be placed beside the residual waste bin in the same way, with the opening towards the road.
  • There must be free space of half a metre around the bin and a clear height of 4.5 metres above it.
  • Park any vehicles so they do not obstruct waste collection.
  • If you only have collection during part of the year, you should store your bins in a sheltered space during the months when you are not staying at the property. This is to avoid them being damaged by, for example, a plow or another vehicle if they blow over.

Food waste and combustible residual waste

The food waste bin offered holds 140 litres and is emptied every other week. For residual waste, the choice is either to have the bin emptied every other week or once a

To cover the costs of fixed expenditures, such as transporting sorted bulky waste to the recycling center (applies to households), customer service, and administration, households must pay a basic fee of 1,436 SEK (2024).

Food waste

What exactly counts as food waste? Basically you can say that food waste is what is left on the cutting board when you have cooked your food and whatever is left on the plate after you have eaten. It also includes food that is expired and inedible in your fridge or pantry.

Combustible residual waste

Combustible residual waste is the waste leftover after you have sorted packaging, food waste, bulky waste, electrical waste and hazardous waste. Examples of what you can throw in the residual waste container: cigarette butts, tobacco and snus, candle stumps and shoes envelopes, post-it notes, toothbrushes, ear buds, diapers and sanitary pads.

Recycling stations

At recycling stations, you can dispose of packaging and newspapers. These are found at several locations in the municipality.

The recycling centre

At the recycling centre in Jönshyttan you can dispose of waste such as plastics, paper, garden waste, environmentally hazardous waste, metal, stone and ceramics, glass and much more. Our staff will be happy to help answer any question and show you how to sort correctly.

Price list

Single-family household (villa)

The food waste bin is collected every other week. The food waste bin is 140 liters. For residual waste, there is the option to have the bin collected every other week or once a month. Fees in SEK including VAT.

Basic fee: 1,436 SEK
Food waste fee: 304 SEK

Permanent residence single-family house, annual fee. Collection every other week

Bin size 80 liters

Bin rental and transport: 203 SEK
Collection fee: 211 SEK

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 270 SEK
Collection fee: 254 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 424 SEK
Collection fee: 1,066 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 506 SEK
Collection fee: 2,534 SEK

Permanent residence single-family house, annual fee. Monthly collection.

Bin size 80 liters

Bin rental and transport: 136 SEK
Collection fee: 106 SEK

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 180 SEK
Collection fee: 127 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 281 SEK
Collection fee: 533 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 338 SEK
Collection fee: 1,268 SEK

Holiday home period May to September

Bin collection at holiday homes occurs during the summer period, May 1 to September 30. Fee in SEK including VAT.

Basic fee: 1,006 SEK
Food waste fee: 152 SEK

Holiday home, annual fee. Collection every other weeks

Bin size 80 liters

Bin rental and transport: 102 SEK
Collection fee: 106 SEK

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 136 SEK
Collection fee: 127 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 211 SEK
Collection fee: 533 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 254 SEK
Collection fee: 1,268 SEK

Holiday home, annual fee. Monthly collection

Bin size 80 liters

Bin rental and transport: 67 SEK
Collection fee: 53 SEK

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 90 SEK
Collection fee: 64 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 140 SEK
Collection fee: 266 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 169 SEK
Collection fee: 634 SEK

Mini stations

A mini station is when three or more property owners share one or more bins for waste. The fees apply per household. The price is independent of the bin size.

Mini stations. Permanent residence. Annual fee. Collection every other week

Basic fee: 1,377 SEK
Bin rental and transport: 140 SEK
Food waste fee: 304 SEK
Collection fee: 266 SEK

Mini stations. Holiday home. Annual fee. Collection every other week, period May to September

Basic fee: 1,006 SEK
Bin rental and transport: 71 SEK
Food waste fee: 152 SEK
Collection fee: 134 SEK

Multifamily residential households

The food waste bin is collected every other week. For residual waste, there is the option to have the bin collected every other week, once a week, or twice a week. Fee in SEK including VAT.

Basic fee: 1,352 SEK
Food waste fee: 304 SEK

Multifamily residential households and businesses, annual fee. Collection every other week

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 254 SEK
Collection fee: 506 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 288 SEK
Collection fee: 1,183 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 338 SEK
Collection fee: 1,520 SEK

Bin size 660 liters

Bin rental and transport: 676 SEK
Collection fee: 2,197 SEK

Multifamily residential households  and businesses, annual fee. Collection once a week

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 634 SEK
Collection fee: 1,014 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 718 SEK
Collection fee: 2,365 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 845 SEK
Collection fee: 3,042 SEK

Bin size 660 liters

Bin rental and transport: 1,690 SEK
Collection fee: 4,393 SEK

Multifamily residential households  and businesses, annual fee. Collection twice a week

Bin size 140 liters

Bin rental and transport: 1,775 SEK
Collection fee: 2,028 SEK

Bin size 190 liters

Bin rental and transport: 2,011 SEK
Collection fee: 4,732 SEK

Bin size 370 liters

Bin rental and transport: 2,365 SEK
Collection fee: 6,083 SEK

Bin size 660 liters

Bin rental and transport: 4,732 SEK
Collection fee: 8,786 SEK

Share bins with a neighbouring property

Agree on the size and collection interval for the residual waste bin. The food waste bin can be shared between neighbours but does not entail any price reduction.

Please contact our customer service by phone +4622555000 for sharing bin with a neighbour, we will then send you a form. Fill out the form and return it to us. The bill then specifies half the fee for residual waste collection, the fixed sum for the food waste collection, and the basic fee.

Do you want to know more?

If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact our customer service via e-mail at sbn@sater.se or call 0225-55 000.

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När du kontaktar oss är det Säters kommuns kundtjänst som tar hand om dina frågor. Om du vill prata med en särskild person eller avdelning kan vi koppla dig vidare.


Måndag–fredag (lunchstängt 12.00 - 13.00): 08.00 - 16.15

Avvikande öppettider kan förekomma i samband med röda dagar, samt dag innan röd dag.

Mejla oss

Skicka ditt mejl till kommun@sater.se.

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Prata med oss på tfn 0225-55 000.

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Besök oss på Rådhuset, Åsgränd 2, Säter.