Placements rules for Preschool, Educational care and After-school centers
In the event of child illness
The pre-school staff and after-school activity staff have a comprehensive view of the infection situation among the children and may sometimes decide to temporarily make the hygiene routines at the pre-school/educational care/after-school activities more stringent. This may be to limit the spread of stomach illness, for example.
Otherwise, the Healthcare Guide Recommendations are to be followed. This means:
- Fever: Stay home until the child has had no fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine.
- Fatigue: Stay home when the child is so tired that he or she does not have the energy to cope with the regular activities at pre-school/educational care. For example, if the child has not been able to sleep due to a cough.
- Diarrhoea or vomiting: Stay home until the child can eat normally and 48 hours have passed since the child last vomited or had watery diarrhoea.
- Swinepox and chicken pox: Stay home until the lesions have dried.
- Antibiotic treatment: Stay home until the child has no fever, has a good general condition and until the treatment has been applied for at least two days.
- Temporary medicinal treatment: Stay home if the child is being treated with a medicine that an adult needs to administer, such as eye drops or antibiotics. The pre-school staff/childminders are not obliged to administer temporary medicine to the child.
Preschool is offered from when your child is one year old, until when the child starts attending a preschool class, when the placement is converted into an after-school center placement.
In order to be eligible for a preschool or an after-school center, you need to work or study. The child is entitled to placement during the time you work or study, including the time spent traveling. Your schedule should be handed in to the Children and Education Board by e-mail or using a form. Temporary changes in your schedule/free time should be reported directly to the activity where the child is placed.
If you are on parental leave with another child or seeking employment, then the child is entitled to preschool or educational care for 15 hours each week. The amount of time will be determined by the preschool’s manager.
All children are entitled to preschool from the autumn term when the child turns 3 years old
(Public Preschool). Children with a placement according to the Public Preschool are entitled to 525 hours per year. The amount of time is determined before each school year, and is equal for all preschools within the municipality.
Application for a placement is done at the earliest six months before the desired placement date. The application is done either via the email service on the Municipality of Säter’s home page, or alternatively via a form.
Placement will be offered within four months. If you do not want the placement that has been offered, you can decline and wait until there is an available vacancy at the desired placement facility. This might lead to a longer waiting period than four months. You may also choose to accept the offered placement, and then apply for a later relocation.
The placement should be used within two weeks after you have been given access to it, in accordance with the placement message. A fee needs to be paid from the date you are given access to the placement. Once your child no longer requires a placement at a preschool, an educational care, or an afterschool center, you should cancel the placement. The cancellation period is one month from the date the cancellation was registered.
Cancellation is done via the municipality’s e-service, alternatively via a form that is to be found on the municipality’s home page. A fee will be charged during the cancellation period, regardless if the child is using the placement or not.
When the child stops attending the preschool/educational care in order to begin preschool classes, the placement will automatically be converted into a after-school center placement. If no afterschool center placement is required, the placement should be cancelled in accordance with the information found above.
After a special individual examination, the Children and Education Board may cancel the child’s placement should the placement rules for the activity not being adhered to.
Should a child be absent from the placement, then the placement is kept for two months. After this the placement may be cancelled immediately. If the absence has been reported beforehand, there could be an individual decision that the placement can be kept. In the case of a new placement, the right to a two months leave does not apply. The month of July does not count as a free month. A fee is to be paid 12 months per year
The Municipality of Säter practices a maximum charge. The fee is based on the household’s common gross income. People who are nationally registered at the same address are considered to be a household. The household’s income is the basis of the fee, regardless if the occupants have common children.
For children in preschool and educational care, the charge is 3 percent of the household’s gross income for child #1 (the youngest child), 2 percent for child #2, and 1 percent for child #3, indexed to the income ceiling. Child #4 is free of charge.
If the child lives with two families, there is the possibility to get the invoice split. The legal guardians are then charged separately according to each household’s income (the legal guardian and any new husband/wife/cohabitant.) However, the collective charge will never exceed the maximum fee for a placement.
In the case of two legal guardians sharing an invoice, should one of the legal guardians cancel their share of the placement, then the one who keeps the placement will become the sole placement holder and will pay for the entire placement based on their income.
No fee is charged for Public Preschool. For children between 3-5 years old with a regular preschool placement, there is a deduction of 150 SEK/month, during the time that Public Preschool is being offered.
An account of income, should be handed in at the latest the month before the preparatory training for school commences, in order for the correct fee to be charged. A new account of income should be provided in the event there is a change in the income (at the latest the last of the month before the new income starts) or at least once per year if no changes have occurred. In the case there is no account of income, or if the account has not been updated, then the highest fee will be charged.
The account of income will be compared to the taxable income that the household have registered with the Swedish Tax Agency. If the income declaration is found to be in error, the fee will be adjusted in retrospectively The account of income can be reported via the municipality’s home page with an e-id or by using a form.