Lilla Säter in Säterdalen – English

Lilla Säter is a unique playground where children and adults can explore a miniature version of Säter’s old town centre (Trästaden), on the other side of the railway.

The concept was developed by Lekplatsbolaget on behalf of Säter municipality, after which Säter municipality built and decorated the buildings.

Here you will find Finkan (Jail), Rådhuset (Town Hall), Tullhuset (Customs House), Stadshotellet (Town Hotel), Väveriet (Weaving Mill), Hörnhuset (Corner House) and Vagnslidret (Cart House) – all designed in a fun and child-friendly way.

Finkan - en hus inrett för fängelselek.
Inside the jail, there are food rations for a whole week in the form of porridge (and there is also an escape route out under the Town Hall).

Then go up to the old town (Trästaden) and see the original wooden buildings! Lilla Säter is a miniature version of Säter’s old town and its history, perfect for exploring and role-playing.

Lilla Säter is located in Säterdalen, on Dalslätten next to the Ljusterån river, near Folkparken and Fäboden. You will see Lilla Säter immediately when you enter the main entrance to Säterdalen. There are toilets and refreshment facilities nearby.

If you visit us and post pictures on Instagram, please add the tag #lillasäter.

Illustration av Lill Säter- lekplats med olika byggnader.

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Måndag–fredag (lunchstängt 12.00 - 13.00): 08.00 - 16.15

Avvikande öppettider kan förekomma i samband med röda dagar, samt dag innan röd dag.

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Prata med oss på tfn 0225-55 000.

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Besök oss på Rådhuset, Åsgränd 2, Säter.